Board of Directors

Sarah Mock (Secretary)
from left to right: Ingrid Smith (Director at Large), Alexandra Hebib (Vice-President), Tanja Riedel (Treasurer), Nicole Kerker (President), Marcus Daum (Director at Large)
Established by a group of motivated parents in 2001, the Association for German Education in Calgary (AGEC) promotes the German language and culture of German speaking countries in Calgary and offers project funding.
This group was also driving force behind the implementation of the first and only German Bilingual Program in Calgary in 2002, based at Bowcroft Elementary School.
AGEC received charitable status in 2004 (#861260461RR0001) and can issue tax receipts for your donation.
We meet monthly, usually on a Wednesday. Currently we are meeting online via google meet. If you would like to join a meeting please send an email to We will then send you the link to our meeting.
Our Vision
A thriving German culture in Calgary.
Our Mission
Promote, support, and celebrate German culture and language through community engagement.
Non-Partisan Statement
AGEC is a non-profit organization dedicated to the enhancement of German language and culture in Calgary and area. As such, we are politically neutral and do not endorse any political party or candidates.
Funding has gone to:
The German Bilingual program at Bowcroft Elementary School
The German Language School
German Pre-school House Dayhome
German Music Classes
Waldorf School
T.B. Riley Junior High School
Ernest Manning High School
University of Calgary (German Day for High School students, scholarships for future German teachers)
German Connect: Tannenbaum Lightning
​We hope to include many more organizations and initiatives in the future. Funding is available for non-profit organizations involved in German language education and/or cultural activities. If you would like to apply for funding, please contact us for further information.